Inclusive and diverse ASEAN


Inclusive and diverse ASEAN

The editor of A/PART articulates that his aim in gathering an anthology of poems is to illustrate the 'various possibilities of how queer individuals in SEA have tried to grapple with meaning (or the lack of it) during this difficult period'. Does the collection contribute anything unique among the many laments of this pandemic period? Jose Luis Pablo's Rainbow mourns symbols of hope that are shrouded by traditions that suppress. Anathema harrowingly articulates the struggle of an individual trying to simply 'be' themself in the face of endless adversity. As with most poetry collections, the reader will migrate to those poems that speak to and from their own lived experience. For me, the value of this anthology lies in this aspect, as opposed to it being a unique expression of the queer experience of COVID-19. 

Jill Hamill

Jill is a Thailand-based British teacher. She has a love of imaginative literature, interesting landscapes and long-distance running.