The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was established as a means for UN member states to review the human rights records of different countries and to provide recommendations for moving forward. Created in March 2006, the UPR was envisioned as "a cooperative mechanism, based on an interactive dialogue", with the primary goal of assessing and addressing human rights concerns in different countries. It seeks to assure that every country fulfills its obligations to international human rights standards.
ASC supports the engagement of Southeast Asian LGBTIQ human rights defenders to the UPR process. By having specific, relevant and attainable UPR recommendations related to SOGIESC, we can strengthen our advocacy within ASEAN.
The Philippines signed and ratified various international human rights instruments.1 Meanwhile, the 1987 Philippine Constitution (Article 2, Sections 11 and 15, and Article 3 Section 1) upholds the dignity, equality and human rights, and right to health of all persons.
Through the UPR, the Human Rights Council (HRC) will review, on a periodic basis, the fulfillment by each of the 193 United Nations (UN) Member States of their human rights obligations and commitments.
This year, Southeast Asian countries who will be reviewed during the 41st session of 4th cycle are Indonesia and the Philippines.
Forum LGBTIQ Indonesia together with several groups submitted a report in line with the 3rd Cycle UPR. The report highlighted the continuous violence and attacks against LGBTIQ human rights defenders and the move towards criminalizing LGBTIQ persons.