Inclusive and diverse ASEAN


Inclusive and diverse ASEAN

UPR Reports

Through the UPR, the Human Rights Council (HRC) will review, on a periodic basis, the fulfillment by each of the 193 United Nations (UN) Member States of their human rights obligations and commitments.

This year, Southeast Asian countries who will be reviewed during the 41st session of 4th cycle are Indonesia and the Philippines.

A review each of UN member states will be based on:

  • a national report prepared by the State under review;

  • a compilation of United Nations information on the State under review prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); and

  • a summary of information submitted by other stakeholders, including civil society actors

In this 4th cycle of UPR process, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus together with LGBTQIA+ organizations in Indonesia and the Philippines is submitting a joint report submission and here is the report regarding Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression and Sex Characteristic (SOGIESC) rights in Indonesia. The report has been submitted to the UNHRC and will be followed by the Philippines' LGBTQIA+ Orgs joint submission. We will publish the report too, stay tuned!


This report is a joint submission of 33 non-governmental organisations and community groups working on LGBTQIA+ Rights and marginalised community rights incorporated in the Indonesia National Coalition of the Marginalised Group against Discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI). The coalition is convened by the Crisis Response Mechanism (CRM) Consortium, Free To Be Me (FTBM) and the ASEAN SOGIE Caucus. Aside from the convenors, the organisations which have contributed to this report are ​​Arus Pelangi, Cangkang Queer, Circle of Imagine Society Timor, Deaf Queer Indonesia, Federasi Serikat Buruh Persatuan Indonesia, GAYa Nusantara, GWL-INA, Rojali Papua, Jakarta Feminist, Jaringan Equals Indonesia, Jaringan Transgender Indonesia, Kolektif Intersex, Komunitas Sehati Makassar, Lentera Anak Pelangi, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Masyarakat, Perempuan Mahardika, Rojali Papua, Rumah Cemara, Persaudaraan Korban Napza Indonesia, Indonesia Planned Parenthood Association, Pondok Pesantren Waria Alfatah Yogyakarta, SGRC, Sanggar SWARA, Solidaritas Perempuan, Srikandi Pasundan, Tarena, Transmen Indonesia, Youth Interfaith Forum on Sexuality (YIFoS), Yayasan Akbar Sumatera Barat, Yayasan Kebaya.

In this report, we would like to bring to attention the assessment of Indonesia UPR 3rd cycle recommendation’s implementation, which remain unimplemented, along with the worsening violations of LGBTQIA+’s rights given the multi-dimensional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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