Inclusive and diverse ASEAN


Inclusive and diverse ASEAN

ASC News

ASEAN SOGIE Caucus is pleased to announce the publication of "Bata at Bahaghari: Experiences of LGBT Children in the Philippines", the first of its ongoing Discussion Series tackling various issues in LGBTIQ advocacy in the Southeast Asian region.

The short paper highlights some of the key issues that surfaced during “Bata at Bahaghari: Children’s Workshop on the Rights of LGBT Children”, conducted on 20 to 21 April 2016 in cooperation with the Civil Society Coalition on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and offers recommendations for children’s rights groups.

Drawing directly from the stories of the participants, some of the challenges raised were the variety of LGBT children's experiences of rejection and discrimination, and the potential role of minority stress and vicarious trauma in their everyday lives. Ways forward suggested in the discussion paper is to make LGBT children's issues concrete and actionable in human rights advocacy plans, and to encourage dialogue towards a more inclusive children's rights framework.

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