Inclusive and diverse ASEAN


Inclusive and diverse ASEAN


We, Kami Berani the Coalition of Civil Society on the Rights of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) consist of Arus Pelangi, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI), Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Masyarakat, PKBI, SGRC Indonesia, Serikat Jurnalis untuk Keberagaman (SEJUK), Sanggar SWARA dan Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) together with the 141 undersigned organizations express our deepest concern on the new local regulation passed by the Bogor City Parliament, Indonesia. On December 21, 2021 the Bogor City Parliament and the Mayor of Bogor have passed a Local Regulation on the Prevention and Countermeasures of Sexual Deviant Behavior (P4S). The coalition considers that this regulation contains elements of human rights violations that aggravate violence and discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender groups in Bogor City. The reason, in Chapter III article 6 mentions that the group and behavior intend to be prevented are homosexual, lesbian and transgender.

This regulation is contrary to the Guidelines for Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders (PPDGJ) III of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. In PPDGJ point F66 mentioned "sexual orientation alone should not be considered a disorder". In the international classification, the 11th Revision of International Classification of Diseases has been stated that transgender is not a mental disorder.

As a consequence, each group categorized as sexual deviant behavior in this Regulation will be subject to prevention and countermeasures, including security and rehabilitation measures. This can have an impact on involvement not only from the local government apparatus but also the larger homophobic community. This regulation has the potential to increase cases of violence against SOGI minority groups. In addition, this Regulation mandates the establishment of a countermeasures commission whose financing will be charged to the Local Government Budget (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah – APBD).

The coalition considers this regulation is a form of human rights violations on certain citizens and has the potential to destroy dignity, honor and security. Following are the direct effects of this regulation:

1. The impact of psychical violence and limit the access to health

This Regulation becomes a legitimacy to categorize LGBT people as groups that can be cured with rehabilitation and countermeasures. Health workers, health care providers, local authorities and the public in general can send individuals both family members and community members to rehabilitation centers. It also contradicts with the Government of Indonesia's commitment to remove all laws and policies that discriminate against people with HIV and key population groups, stated in the UN Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS in 2021. [1] Such a policy would be a major obstacle to an effective HIV response towards an AIDS-free Indonesia by 2030.

2. Impact of nuanced violence of SOGI changes efforts

In articles 9, 12, 15 and 18 specifically say that one of the ways of prevention and treatment used is rehabilitation. This will potentially increase the increasingly rampant activity of coercive efforts to change a person's sexual orientation and gender identity. Victor Madrigal Borloz, the UN's Independent Expert on on SOGI in his thematic report [2] called this effort a form of torture.

3. Impact of physical violence and arbitrary arrest

The absence of anti-discrimination laws protecting LGBT people has kept LGBT people away from access to justice when subjected to violence, discrimination and domestic violence and expulsion from home. This Regulation reinforcing those actions as form of prevention process which may lead to arbitrary arrest and persecution. This regulation also mandates the Bogor City Government to form Cross-sectoral Institutions (article 8) in enacting the implementation of this Regulation.

4. The impact of miss-information related to SOGI

Article 15 mentions that one of the steps that will be taken for prevention is through education and dissemination of information related to 15 groups and behavior in article

5. The impact of losing economic resources

For the impacts we have mentioned above, it will directly close an access for LGBT people to labor rights and earn a source of daily income.

Thus, the Coalition urgently calls for:

  1. Mayor of Bogor City, Governor of West Java and the Indonesia Ministry of Home Affairs to coordinate and immediately revoke the Regulation No. 10 of 2020 Bogor City;

  2. Indonesia National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) to issue an official statement addressing this Discriminatory Regulation and write to the Local Parliament of Bogor City, Bogor City Government and West Java Provincial Government to review and revoke the Regulation.

  3. The Presidential Staff Office as the organizer of the Human Rights Friendly City and Regency Program to revoke the City of Bogor from the classification of Human Rights Friendly City.


For media inquiry please contact:

  1. Ryan Korbari, Arus Pelangi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  2. Lini Zurlia, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  3. Muhammad Isnur, YLBHI This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



[1] UN Political Decalartion on HIV & AIDS 2021:

[2] UN IE on SOGI thematic report on conversion therapy


List of Signatories:

List Organisasi Pendukung

  1. Aksaka Cahaya Foundation

  2. Aksi Keadilan Indonesia

  3. Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Jakarta

  4. Aprikot Tulungagung

  5. Arjuna Pasundan

  6. Arus Pelangi

  7. ASEAN SOGIE Caucus

  8. Atap Satu Keadilan

  9. Balad Pasundan

  10. Beyond

  11. Cangkang Queer

  12. Dewan Pimpinan Suluh Perempuan

  13. Dipo GHRC

  14. Fabulous Student

  15. FeminisThemis

  16. FKPTB

  17. Flobamora Jaya Peduli

  18. For Peace Project

  19. Forum komunikasi peduli HIV Aids Tangerang bersatu

  20. Forum Pelangi Kasih NTT

  21. Gaya mahardhika


  23. Genesis

  24. GWL INA

  25. HRWG

  26. IGAMA

  27. Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia (IPPI)

  28. IMoF NTT


  30. Indonesia AIDS Coalition

  31. Indonesia Butuh Feminis


  33. Inti Muda Indonesia


  35. Iris Collective

  36. IWASOR

  37. IWAYO

  38. Jaringan Anti Kekerasan NTT

  39. Jaringan Equals Indonesia

  40. Jaringan Rakyat Bhineka

  41. Jaringan Transgender Indonesia


  43. KDS Arjuna Pasundan Community

  44. KDS Pelangi Kehidupan Bogor

  45. KDS SASANDO PLUS kupang

  46. Kerukunan Waria Bissu Sulawesi Selatan

  47. Kojigema Institute

  48. Kolektif kuda laut

  49. KOMPAK (Komunitas Peacemaker Kupang)

  50. Komunitas Gayatri Surabaya

  51. Komunitas Sehati Makassar

  52. Komunitas Warna Gaung (WarGa) Pekanbaru


  54. Konsorsium PERMAMPU

  55. Larre Caruban pesisir

  56. LBH Padang

  57. Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Jakarta

  58. Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Masyarakat

  59. Lembayung Institute

  60. LeTo

  61. Ludruk Suromenggolo

  62. Narasi Toleransi

  63. Natha Abaya

  64. Organisasi Perubahan Sosial Indonesia (OPSI)

  65. Paraparabuku

  66. PBHI Nasional

  67. Peduli Napas

  68. Pelangi Khatulistiwa Kalimantan Barat (Pekha Kalbar)

  69. Pelangi Mahardhika

  70. Pemuda Tapal Batas

  71. Perempuan Mahardhika

  72. Perkumpulan Lintas Feminis Jakarta

  73. Perkumpulan Rumah Cemara

  74. Perkumpulan Warna Disabilitas

  75. Persatuan Priawan Indonesia

  76. Persatuan Transpuan Sumatera Utara (PETRASU)

  77. Persaudaraan Korban Napza Parahyangan

  78. PERWAKA (Persatuan Waria Kediri Raya)

  79. Perwakos

  80. Perwaris Satu Hati Semarang

  81. Pesona Support

  82. PKBI

  83. PLUSH (People like Us Satu Hati)

  84. Puanisme Bogor

  85. PurpleCode Collective

  86. Puzzle Indonesia

  87. Queerlangga

  88. Ragam Institute

  89. Rojali papua

  90. RRR Collective

  91. SAFEnet

  92. Sahabat Sulteng

  93. Samsara

  94. Sanggar Seroja

  95. Sanggar Swara

  96. Sanubari Sulawesu Utara

  97. Save All Women and Girls (SAWG)

  98. SEJUK

  99. Sekolah Gender Jember

  100. Sempurna community

  101. SGRC Indonesia

  102. Sikola Mombine



  105. Srikandi Pakuan

  106. Srikandi Panyawangan

  107. Srikandi Patriot Bekasi

  108. Srikandi Patroman Banjar

  109. Suara PelagI

  110. Suara Peranakan

  111. SuaraKita

  112. Talita Kum Solo

  113. Tarena Aceh

  114. Tenggara Youth Community

  115. TransPer

  116. Transvoice

  117. Voice of Youth Surabaya


  119. WARCAN

  120. Waria Crisis Center Yogyakarta


  122. Warna Sehati

  123. Women and Youth Development Institute (WYDII)

  124. Women’s March

  125. Womnx'S voice

  126. YAPKEMA

  127. Yayasan Akbar Sumatera Barat

  128. Yayasan Edelweis BERSEMI (bersama sehat mandiri)

  129. Yayasan Gaya Dewata Denpasar

  130. Yayasan IGAMA Malang

  131. Yayasan Intermedika Prana

  132. Yayasan Kasih Pelangi Dewata (KAPELATA)

  133. Yayasan Kesehatan Perempuan

  134. Yayasan Lekas

  135. Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI)

  136. Yayasan Perlindungan Insani Indonesia

  137. Yayasan Pesona Bumi Pasundan

  138. YIFoS Indonesia

  139. YKBH Justitia NTT

  140. YPBP