An ASEAN People Forum 2020 Side Event
People power uprising and non-violent forces taking the streets to demand for substantive democracy are taking place in Indonesia and Thailand. Thai people are fed up with the rule of the military and the monarchy in co-opting democracy while Indonesians are angry at their legislative and executive power that give favor to the rich in order to enrich and strengthen the oligarch. People are taking to the streets to demand justice and substantive democracy while Thai and Indonesia governments use police and military force to silent them. Police brutality appears in each protest. These movement are being led by the marginalized groups in militaristic, monarchy and oligarchy system that co-opt democracy like progressive Youth groups, LGBTIQ persons, women, and labor groups.
Witnessing police brutality and gross human rights violations in both Thailand and Indonesia, we ASEAN SOGIE Caucus released a joint statement to express our support and solidarity to everyone who are standing up for democracy, especially the LGBTIQ+ community. Our joint statement affirms that LGBTIQ+ rights and inclusion will only flourish in democratic societies where meaningful participation, dissent, and checks and balances are respected and guaranteed. Our joint statement plays witness to and affirms in both Thailand and Indonesia the LGBTIQ+ community are on the forefront of the pro-democracy movements. The Rainbow Solidarity toward Democracy statement was undersigned by more than 70 organizations and more than 150 individuals across the globe in less than 24hours.
In the momentum of APF 2020, ASEAN SOGIE Caucus and Women for Democracy Thailand are opening the space to discuss further about the police brutality and human rights violations in respond to the Thailand and Indonesia people power uprising.
Time : 5pm (GMT+) 11am(GMT+1)
- ทาง FreeYOUTH ขอส่งเกศนก วงษาภักดี (ใบไหม)
- Rapter, Free People, Free Gender Thailand
- Lusi, Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak (ARB) Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Simon, Department of International Relations - Confederation of Congress of Indonesian Trade Unions Alliance (Konfederasi KASBI)
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In solidarity,
Women for Democracy Thailand